Sunday, October 29, 2017

Does God Only Listen To the Conquerors?

Does God only listen to the conquerors?
To the ones who came to destroy
The religion, the culture and the joy
Of every girl and boy
Who they declared to be the enemy?
Does God only listen to the conquerors
Through their bishops and priests
And regard everyone else as pitiful beasts?
Are the conquerors so strong
That even God must belong
To the conquerors?
These questions are important
Because the conquered become impotent
Unable to think of or worship
The God of their ancestors.
Is the God of the conqueror so weak
That he needs the conquerors to wreak
Havoc on everyone who sees God in other forms?
Why would anyone want to worship
A cruel and small minded God?
Unless the conqueror’s god is not God at all
But just an image, just an idol
To keep the conquered controlled and idle.
Who’s to say what form God must take
To be loved and worshiped for goodness sake?
Who’s to say that every version has its merit,
And that the God my ancestors I can’t inherit,
And with my kids and grandkids share it,
If it makes us good and kind?
Why must I believe and have faith
In the God of my conqueror
When God exists in all that there is
Including the Gods of my ancestor.
So again I ask that one big question,
Does God only listen to the conquerors?

1 comment:

SharonA said...

The god of the conquerors has no strength against me! I will be quiet and bide my time, but when the conqueror is weakest …