Monday, February 26, 2018

Time Backwards

Time backwards equals emit. When we worry about time, we emit negative vibrations. The only time over which we have some control is Now. Be your best, with what you have, right now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday,
Is a day to be wild and silly.
It is a day with an awesome theme.
And that theme is to Celebrate.
For tomorrow you may not be able.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Each and every day should be celebrated as a gift
Because it is a gift.
Each morning we awaken.
Each morning we breathe.
Each morning we are aware
That we are alive.
And that gives us hope,
Regardless of our current situation.
Where there is Life
There is hope.
And where this is hope
Joy is the potential.
Mardi Gras is filled with hope
And it is filled with joy
In the immediate present,
Right NOW!
Ever reminding us
That everything is temporary.
Imagine how powerful that is.
With each breath
And each moment that we are alive,
We have an opportunity to enhance the planet.
A smile is all that it takes.
A smile fills our energy with joy.
We have the opportunity to beam
Our inner light out to the world.
A watch that joyful energy grow
And make the world a better place
For you and me
And all earthlings.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018


"Energy IS, just is," 
Grandfather said.
He stood tall and pointed at me.
“Heal thyself and you heal the planet.”
I trembled and whimpered,
“But my energy is tainted.”
His voice boomed,
“Energy cannot be painted
Or stained, colored or framed,
Except in the delusions of your mind.
“But Grandfather, my energy is tainted
With weakness that I’ve painted
into it.”
Grandfather’s face came close to mine.
His eyes sparkled and shined.
“Energy IS. Just is and nothing more.
It cannot be tainted
Or stained, colored or framed
It cannot be enhanced or diminished.”
I held up my hand to complain.
He crossed his arms and glared.
“Wait until I’m finished.”
He put his arm on my shoulder.
“As I was saying,
Energy cannot be enhanced or diminished.
Energy IS, just is.
You can use or abuse it.
It is your choice.
It is always your choice.
You can build yourself up,
Filling yourself with loving kindness.
Or you can wallow in your pity pool.
The energy is the same,
Regardless of the name.
It doesn’t matter what call it.
What matters is how you use it.
Energy is always, always, always neutral.
It is neither good, nor bad,
positive, nor negative.
Energy IS, just is.
You need not apply
Such subjective labels
For Energy to be used or abused.
Energy breathes life.
It does not breathe good or bad.
It can be a teacher
With a power filled feature.
When I tell you to heal thyself
And heal the planet,
Choose, actively choose
Choose healing and kindness
Because what you do for another
You do to thyself.
Choose to experience the moment.
Pick the flowers of the experience
Regardless of whether the experience
Is painful or pleasurable.
Energy always teaches you something.
What you learn is your choice.
You can celebrate or wallow.
I know my words are hard to swallow.
Pleasure and pain are only labels
In this life of contrasts.
Pleasure can be labeled bad.
Pain can be labeled good.
And that is food
for thought.
The energy that you collect,
The energy that you use,
Is always neutral.
Choosing to label positive, or negative,
Good, or bad, is meaningless
When applied to energy.
Energy IS, just is.
Use it to heal thyself
And heal the planet.”
Grandfather hugged me
And walked away.