Thursday, December 26, 2019

Be an Angel

When we least expect it,
A spark within a few,
Maybe me,
Maybe you,
Lights and glows
Ever so bright,
Compelling us
To open our heats
And do,
Do something kind.
Something sweet,
Something so amazingly neat
That patches a broken heart,
Brings a smile,
Connects someone
To another,
Or re-ignites
The spark of life
In the dying ember
Of a lost soul.
When we least expect it
We become angels, too.
Be an angel.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Beauty Floats on Falling Leaves

 Beauty floats on falling leaves.
Who glide, tumble,
Whirl, and swirl,
Gracefully, or haphazardly
On their journey
Off their trees.
Leaves harbor
Niether fret nor worry
As they transform
Their green garb
Into clothing of red,
Brown or gold,
For their final performance,
For their first flight
Into the unknown.
Beauty stays
As they age
And crinkle
On the ground.
Beauty resides on fallen leaves
Who whither and die
On the earth
Where they lie.