Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Why I Stare

Yes, everything can change
In an instant,
Or an eternity,
Or so it seems,
I gaze at our daughter's face.
Wishing this moment will linger.
"Why are you staring at me, Dad?"
I sigh.
"I love looking at you,
Like I love looking at flowers,
Or watching the waves,
Or the sunset."
Questions scrunch her face.
"That's silly, Dad."
"You'll understand
When you have your own babies."

Years later, I caught her staring at her own baby.
"Now do you see why I stare at you, even now?"
She gave me a warm, tight hug.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

New Year's Resolution 2020

Tell me now, why
Every single year
On New Year's day
People are
And worst of all,
Made to feel guilty
If they don’t,
Or can’t
Make a New Year’s resolution
To improve?
What if they be just fine
The way they bloody be?
I ain’t saying
That making a resolution
is a bad thing.
Well, it could be a bad thing.
Maybe it should be a bad thing.
If we must,
If there be no way
Around it,
Why don’t we
Make a resolution
To be naughtier this year?
Why do we feel
We always have to be
Pure and holy?
I, for one,
If I must make
A new year’s resolution It be to be
Happy with meself
As I am,
Continuing to be kind
To everyone.
Well, maybe not everyone.
I don’t like termites
Eating me house down.
OK, termites aside,
I’ll be kind
To everyone else.
And I will be naughtier
This year than last.