Friday, March 29, 2019

I Love Your Smile

I love your smile, 
It makes me smile, too.
I love it, in a different way
When you cry with letters and words.
They pull out the slivers of tears
That sting deep inside me.
I love your Laugh,
It makes me laugh, too.
I love it, in a different way
When you screech your anger
Across the room
Making my gut,
My violent concrete safe,
Crack and ooze my own anger out.
I love your smiling eyes,
They make my eyes smile, too
And let me know
This, too, shall pass.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I Remember Not Having a Phone

I remember not having a phone.
I remember putting my finger in the hole
And pushing the hole around until it stopped.
And I remember watching it slide back around
And hearing it go click, click, click.
I remember the buzzing busy signal.
I remember calling information
To get a friend’s phone number.
I remember being scolded
For making a long-distance call.
I remember being seven years old
Talking to my mother
Who was 830 miles away
And being told to hang up
Because our time was up.
I remember party lines,
A time when I would pick up the phone and listen,
Hoping no one was on the line.
And if I heard voices,
I would wait a while before picking it up again.
And sometimes, I would get yelled at
By one of the phone talkers.

I remember phone numbers that only had 4 digits
When you called someone in town.
I remember payphones
And huge yellow phone books.
I remember running from phone booth to phone booth downtown,
Clicking the receiver lever
Hoping to find change in the coin return slot.
I remember shivering at night,
Standing in a phone booth,
Talking to my girlfriend.
I remember looking up Montoya
In the Albuquerque phone book
And seeing two full pages,
And imagining that there were millions
Of Montoyas in Albuquerque.
I remember when my parents moved to Long Beach
And only seeing one Montoya in the phone book.
It was our phone.
I remember in the 70s,
There were 5 Montoyas
In the Long Beach phone book.
It was my parents', my siblings',
And my phone number that were listed.
I haven't seen a phone book in ages.

I remember the phone ringing
Inside our house 
And my mother came running 
From the front yard, yelling,
"Something happened to George!"
I remember her grabbing the phone.
"George are you OK?"
She asked her younger brother.
"I'm OK, but I just saw Florinda
Get hit by the bus!"
I remember wondering
How my mother knew it was George.
I remember being on my ship
Fighting a war I didn’t want
And not having a phone. 

Friday, March 08, 2019

Fire Storms and Hurricanes

Fire Storms and Hurricanes
By Mushroom Montoya


The drenching rains, 

The raging hurricanes, 

The scorching fires,

That squelch our desires,


Destroying our homes,

And killing our cherished ones,





They cry when they see

The pain they've caused

To you and to me.


They weep

As they sweep

Their way across our paths.


"Everything is temporary,"

They scream and shout,

Reminding us to pay

Close attention,


With our hearts,

To what is most


Love one another


