Saturday, September 10, 2022



Piss On It

By Mushroom Montoya


When the luster within me refuses

To shine


My life feels like the dog of heaven

is lifting his leg

and peeing on my feet

Just to piss me off,


I remember what Coyote told me,

Far more than once:


what you want.”


I tell you, truly,

Hearing him say that

Used to piss me off.


“Piss on it!” he chortled

As he lifted his leg

Threatening to piss on me.


“You can’t stay pissed forever,”

He’d say and laugh.

“So, piss on it and let it go!


And once the shackles of your agitation

Have fallen to the ground

You can, then,

Be what you want!


Be the kindness,


and charm

That you think is missing.

And then your luster will shine

Once again.


I glared

at Coyote.

“You’re ruining

My mad!”


“Oh, I would never deprive you

Of your mad.”

Coyote smirked.


“Wallow in your dark hollow place

Stirring up your wasted rage

Until you see how much it tastes

Like piss.”


I had to laugh

And then I asked him,

“How can I get out of my self-pity pool?”


He sat on his haunches,

Howled at the moon,

And then winked at me.






He said in a melodic tone.


Leaning close enough

To put his nose onto mine,

He whispered.

“Cast a spell upon yourself.


Create an incantation

To change the woeful state of being

You are exposing.”


“Easy for you to say,

When you aren’t drowning in…”


“Your own piss!” he interjected

With a gleeful grin.

“Silliness will ejaculate you

Out of your self-pity pool.”


I burst a laugh

at Coyote’s words.


He dimmed his eyes,

Crossed his paws,

And said,



Let the emotion


 State out loud

who you truly are.


And then that is who you will be


 As soon as you get off your butt

And do to someone

What you want done to you.”