Saturday, September 05, 2020

Handcuffed Girls

We can’t evolve in our humanity

When we handcuff our girls with useless vanity,
When we praise girls for being pretty,

While praising boys for being smart.

We buy toy guns, and superhero costumes 

For our boys to dream of being powerful.

We buy dolls, makeup, and princess costumes 

For our girls to dream of being kept.

It is self defeating to constrain
One arm, one leg, and half a brain

While trying to win this race

Of our continued existence on Mother Earth.

We cannot reproduce without the two.

Why then do we limit our female partners,

Relegating them to looking pretty,

Disregarding their brains and brawn?

Why do we insist that their value only lies

In looking young and pretty,

When we know very well

That doing so is a self defeating lie?

Since when has a pretty face

Been the reason for our human advancement,
For our slow move to being more compassionate,
For our learning to be tolerant of all other humans?

We don’t require men and boys 

To paint their faces and prim their hair

Before they go outside in full view
To be with other humans.

But when it comes to our women and girls,

We relegate them to being objects,

Whose raw form is flawed and broken,

Needing makeup and the right clothes

To be acceptable, and sexually desirable.

If we want our humanity to evolve

We need to make some major corrections,

Set our bearings in the right directions

For a comprehensive nurturing humanity.

We need to start with our young

Teaching them who and what they are

Beneath their skin.

We need to praise our girls for being smart,

For being tough as nails.

We need to teach our boys to honor

And respect their female partners.

Many a Crone has discovered

The travesty of needing to look pretty.

They no longer buy the bullshit of inadequacy.

They know they are more than good enough.

Men  have for far too long

Ignored the crone’s love and  wisdom.

It’s high time we all wise up

To further our needed evolution.

1 comment:

Kelly Cherie Smith said...

Thank you 🍄!! This resonates with me- I was always worried about my looks when I was younger and the focus was never on my intellect-I’m a work in progress👍