Sunday, May 31, 2020

Desecrated Public Servant Blue Uniform

We stare at the TV,
Watching four grown men,
Wearing police uniforms of
Public servant blue.

Officer Chauvin's knee is holding down,
Choking, suffocating George Floyd,
Pleading for air, begging for his life,
Calling for his mama.

Two of the men in blue
Hide behind a black and white police car,
While they too, pin the man to the ground,
Squeezing his life out,
One begging plea at a time.

Is this America?
The America that I risked my life for
in Viet Nam,
Alongside sailors and soldiers
Of every race and creed?

I thought we passed the Civil Rights Act
More than half a century ago
To end racism in our America.

Who are these four grown men,
Dressed in public servant blue,
Who desecrate the uniform,
Their oath
To serve and protect?

Who allows such men to
Kill Black men at will,
Violate common decency,
Violate human rights?

Who allows such men to
Ignore the Constitution,
Ignore the rule of law,
And express blatant racism
With NO accountability?

When local governments
Ignore the law
To shield one of their own
From lawful consequences
They become accomplices.

We, too, become accomplices
When we watch TV
And do nothing,
Except run to the toilet
And vomit our helplessness,
Our acceptance.

What does it take for us to act?
Do the corrupt police have to hurt
Our next-door neighbor,
Our family,
Our body?

We know, when we accept injustice,
We are being unjust.
And we can't keep vomiting
Our integrity into the toilet.

We must NOT turn off the TV
And walk away,
Lamenting the violent “normal”
We have accepted.

We must hold accountable
Any man who desecrates
The police uniform,
Who desecrates the public trust
with lethal racist actions.

When we climb out of our shelter
And charge forward,
Knowing it might be uncomfortable,
It might hurt,
We come back to humanity,
We come back to life.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Clam Smiles With Ruffled Lips

What am I doing in this crowd,
So noisy, so loud?
People, cars, buildings,
and trash cans all crunching into me.

Is this what we are, what I am:
A massive conglomeration of stuff
Running, crawling , spewing our garlic breath
onto everything?

No! or is it? I trudge to the beach.
Sit on the sand.
Boom! Cush. Slosh.
A clam surfs on the wave and glides to my feet.
She shimmers in the morning sunlight.

She smiles to me with her ruffled lips
I pick her up and feel her heart
Beating, tapping a message into my palm,
I am you and you are me and the sea.
Do you feel it?”

Sun flashes his blinding orange wink.
Sea waves with her white gloved hands
Inviting me to dance.
I carry the clam and we dive into the wave.

I evaporate into the sea.
Clam grows bigger and bigger
Until she becomes me or we.

Promise me,” I hear my own voice say.
Refill your pitcher with the gems you don't see.
Say it out loud for you and for me,
I am a blessing. Go on say it.”

I am a blessing
I hear clam harmonizing along with my lips
I vow to listen to my heart,
To my bones,
To the flow of my blood.

I swim to the surface.
I hear the perpetual whizzing of my lungs,
Reminding me to pull kindness
Out of every breath
And blend it into every word I say
To anyone, especially myself, every day.

I am a blessing, I say as
I walk onto the beach,
Crowded with smiling, laughing, sun tanning people,
Escaping the cars, buildings, and crunching of trashcans.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Paint Drop Smile

I drag my paint brush across the wall.
It pulls my head sideways spilling out
Bloody, gooey, self-loathing thoughts:

Wrong color, wrong tint,
Errant brush hair on the wall.
You screwed up, you bastard!

I dip my brush into a pool of celedonic buff,
The color of desert sand just before
The Lord of the Dawn begins painting the clouds
Orange, yellow, pink, and purple.

I drag my bristled brush, dripping with doubt
Across the wall, adjacent to the first stroke.
A drop of paint sneaks off and decorates
My big toenail with a smile.

I sweep my brush back and forth,
Swaying with the trees, and singing with the birds.
A few are chirping jokes about pooping on people
who walk underneath.

I dip my feathered wand and write,
I love you,
Above the wet paint on the wall.

My lover pats my butt
And whispers in my ear,
“I love you too.”
Would you like a beer?”

She leaves me alone with my wall,
My brushes, and my note
That I know is meant for me, too.

It's a mystery to me how
A toenail smile, and just writing,
I love you, on the wall
Brightens my heart.
And now I feel like Salvador Dali.

I dip my brush into the pail
Whose color is desert sand that glistens with
Love just before the Lord of the Dawn
Paints the clouds in oranges, yellows, pinks and purples.

I paint a happy smile
On the wall.
It paints a joyful one
On me.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Prayer, It Matters Why

Pray or be prey to the devil.
Pray or God will be mad.
Pray so God will take away the pain.
Pray for a new house, a monkey, a puppy, and money.

Prayer was always a necessity,
Always a begging when I was younger.
We had to pray on our knees
With our hands placed together.
We had to be perfect,
Or we'd go to hell.

I asked the Creator one day,
Do you really want us to pray to you?
Don't you get tired
Of us always asking you to fix things,
Give us things, make life real easy?

What do you do all day?
Does anyone ever ask you?
I'm asking you, now.

Really, you do everything?
Yes, I remember reading that you are I am.
What? Every time I say I am, I am praying?

But what happens when I say I am pissed
Or fucked up or screwed?
I am?


How should I pray, then?

“It doesn't matter how.
It matters why.”

You don't care how I pray?

“Why should I?
I don't need anything.
I am, remember?
I am everything that there is
And, incidentally.
Everything that is not.”

Oh, now you're getting deep.

“You do realize that we are praying
At this very moment.”


“Of course. Prayer is conversation.”

But I wasn't taught to pray that way.

“And now you know.”

If you do everything
Do you cause war, pain, suffering?

“Of course.”

You're scaring me.

“I created everything perfectly.
I created contrasts,
Light and dark.

You created labels that you think are true:
Good and bad,
Yours and mine,
Me and you.

There is only I am
So choose.”

Choose what?

“What follows I am.”

Oh, I get it.
Thanks for the prayer

I am a blessing.


Thursday, May 14, 2020


I stare at Kita, my canine pal.
As she wags her tail watching me
Clip my toenails and fingernails.
She licks her paw and places it on my foot
Impatiently waiting to go for a run.

In a minute, I say, and then ask her,
Why do my fingernails keep growing?
When will they learn to be strong enough?
Heaven and hell both know I give them exercise.

I scratch my itches,
I peel the tape loose from the spool
that has recaptured it.
I peel the skin off the orange colored oranges.
And my nails still break.

I scratch a tiny clump of dirt
Off the side of my shoe.
I scrape a dot of stubborn paint off the mirror.

Certainly all these scratchings,
And peelings, and scrapings,
All should make my fingernails
as strong as metal knives.

But No.
They crack and break down to the quick
And that hurts.

What am I suppose to do with the
fingernail clippings when I slice off the ends
to make my nails even,
To make the ends of my fingers nail free enough
to allow me to play the guitar or violin.

Kita places her other paw
On my foot
And slowly shakes her head.

Ok, I really don't play the violin.
But if I did,
I'd have to cut my fingernails
Again and again.
Which I do, anyway.

Yes, I do play the guitar and sing to my dog.
Kita stands and runs to the door.
I can't run on my front paws and back paws
I'm not a coyote, a wolf, or a dog
Who wears down their nails when they run.

Kita wags her tail telling me
To take my fingernails outside,
Feed them to the plants.
And let's go run.

Kita is right,
of course.
Long fingernails
won't help me run.