Friday, April 17, 2020

It's Necessary To Talk About Being Happy

I hear Coyote sing her howling song
Inviting me down the worn dirt path
Along the tree and fern lined ridge.
The aroma of moist mossy mud
wafts into my nose.

She gooses me and laughs
And then she wiggles between my legs,
and circles around to take the lead.
I follow her to the pond where
Abuelita, my grandmother, sits with her feet
splashing the water.
Coyote lies beside her

As I start to sit Coyote jumps up
and pushes me into the pond
I gulp, and splash, and climb out,
laughing along with Abuelita and Coyote
It's necessary to talk about being happy,”
Coyote says.

Abuelita pulls me close and whispers
She knows a secret,
It is necessary to listen now”
The water lilies float in the pond,
the birds sing in the trees above me,

Coyote places her paws on my lap and speaks,
You do not make the sun shine.
You can not make the Earth turn
the way you want it to.

But You can view the world anew
and see the beauty all around you.
You can be the bright smile
that lights the world and makes
the people want to be like you.
Surely, you are happy.

Abuelita puts her foot in the pond
and splashes me
I smile and nod.
Yes, it's necessary to talk about
Being happy.”

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