Friday, January 27, 2023

Can She Know Who She Is?

  Can She Know Who She is?

By Mushroom Montoya

A wise man said,
If she knows who she is
She will never be lost.

Can she know who she is
and still be lost in a forest,
Caught in the beauty
All around her?


Can she know who she is
and still be lost in a classroom
when the teacher is referencing
a passage in a book,
while she is distracted by a bird,
flying by the window?


Can she know who she is
and still be lost in grief
when the person she loves the most


Can she know who she is
and still be blissfully lost in love
with the one she cherishes?


Can she know who she is
when she is constantly changing
Into another version from her former self?


Or is it that she KNEW
who she was
before the current
passing moment?


And isn’t being lost 
an opportunity 
For her to find something new
About herself
That she is evolving into?


And isn’t being lost
An opportunity to practice
Finding out who she really is
While she's in motion?

Friday, January 20, 2023

Orange Sliver

Orange Sliver
By Mushroom Montoya

An orange sliver

Extended his finger

Peeking over the horizon.


I barely blinked.

And he splashed the sky

With a blazing orange ball,

Snaring the entirety of my attention,

Filling my soul with gratitude.


For I am now awake,

And fully alive,

Ready to dive

Into each moment,


Smelling the flowers

As they spread their wings

And flutter their beauty

Into my heart,


While the hummingbirds dart

Their dazzling coats

Here and there,

and then they hover,


Sharing their zest,

Doing their best

To remind me

I am beautiful, too.