Sunday, August 19, 2018

Grandma Catalina's funeral

Grandma Catalina's Funeral: 

I was 5-years-old

When I went to my Grandma's funeral 

In the little town of Bernalillo, 

In the Land of Enchantment, 
New Mexico, 

I remember standing 

Next to my aunt Lourdes, 

At  Our Lady of Sorrows
Catholic church.
She held my hand
As I watched the priest 
Sprinkle holy water on 
My grandma's coffin, 

And then he sprinkled 
Holy water on

The congregation.


A single drop 


On my tia Lourdes's 


That drop gave me a 

Glistening wink

While it just hung 
On the tip of her nose 
Without dripping off.

I watched

And waited 

For it to fall.

But it just continued

To hang and 
I wondered 

My tia Lourdes

Did not 




Monday, August 06, 2018

The Good Lord's Work

A kilt wearing Irishman
Gulped a swig of Guinness
While he sat next to me
In an Irish pub nearby.
"Would ye be knowing," he said,
" 'tis not healthy
For a man to wear pants."
He took another swig
Of his dark brown Guinness.
"And squish those precious jewels
That God gave him?"
I wanted to reply,
But I didn't know what to say.
He dismounted his barstool
Put his hands on his hips
And jutted his chin
To make his point.
"The good Lord, didn't make 'em
To swing
In a hanging basket
So ye could wrap 'em
In tight suffocating pants."
I threw my hands up.
"What am I supposed to do.
I can't run around naked."
He held his big belly
And laughed with a sneer.
"Would ye be knowing
Where to buy you a fine kilt
In this here town?
If ye do,
Buy one.
And don't insult the good Lord's work
By stuffing yer jewels
In ball squshing panties."
I wear my kilt from time to time,
And I don't wear panties
When wearing it.
I wouldn't want to insult
The good Lord's work.