Thursday, May 31, 2018

For Giving Love

We are our most vicious critic.
I should've.
I could've.
I would've.
What was I thinking?
Are all laments,
All dirges,
Sung off key
To knock us down
And bring us to our knees.
Are we really that bad?
How can we know,
Really know,
Who we are,
If we never become
Who and what
We are not?
Sometimes there's no other way
Other than to become
Who we are not.
Sometimes we must
Do mean, hurtful shit.
Yes, we lie,
Cheat, and steal
To get what we think,
What we hope,
What we pray
Will bring us joy.
But it is all too often
Short lived,
Self-deceiving ploy.
We can look at our past actions
And past omissions
And say, "That's not who I am.
I am better than that.”
And we are
We are so much
Better than that.
Better than we have allowed
Ourselves to imagine.
Each and every morning
Is new.
Brand new.
We can start anew.
Create a new me.
But first and foremost,
We need to forgive ourselves,
For delving into
Who we are not.
We need to forgive ourselves
For being self-correcting
Ever evolving
Versions of ourselves.
We need to forgive ourselves
For not already
Being the perfect
When accept our own self-forgiveness
We honor our humanity.
When we forgive ourselves,
We express love
To the one,
The only one
Who knows our deepest,
Most tightly kept
The purpose of forgiveness
Is for giving
Love to the one,
The one who needs it most.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Guava Dance

She smiled a multitude
Of red and yellow
Very happy sparkles
Which she offered
In her soft pink petals.
"Come and taste,"
She beckoned.
"My petals are sweet."
They were surprisingly
She didn't tell me
She sweetened them
With love.
She shimmied
As she and the wind
Danced together
In the midday sunlight.
She smiled a multitude
Of red and yellow
Very happy sparkles
Which she offered
In her soft pink petals.
“Come and taste,”
She beckoned.
“My petals are sweet.”
They were surprisingly
She didn’t tell me
She sweetened them
With love.

She smiled a multitude
Of red and yellow
Very happy sparkles
Which she offered
In her soft pink petals.
"Come and taste,"
She beckoned.
"My petals are sweet."
They were surprisingly
She didn't tell me
She sweetened them
With love.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Death as an Advisor

I am grateful for the advice that Death offers us. We don't often think of Death as someone who can offer advice. We usually imagine a faceless hooded creature with skeleton hands, wearing a black robe. The image is frightening. But when someone dies, Death provides us with advice. He does it so quietly that we rarely, if ever, notice that the advice comes from him.
When someone we love dies, Death fills our minds with memories of our loved one. He conjures questions and feelings in our minds and hearts. He reminds us that we do not know when he will come for us. Therefore, we should live life fully. 
Death is a valuable and ever-present advisor. He suggests that you ask yourself the following questions from time to time, especially when we feel stressed:
If I were to die tomorrow, would worrying matter?
If I were to die tomorrow, would whatever I am spending my time on be that important.
Would I regret or be happy with what I am doing right now? 
After I died, would I be remembered for being a blessing?
There are many more questions that he asks if we listen.