Black beaked, black feathered, black eyed crows
Cawed their morning songs
With their blazing black beaks.
While Dawn pierced his pink and orange fingers
Through the morning greyness
My cold goose bumpy legs
Peddled my bike to the pool.
The frigid morning air assaulted my nostrils
Forcing warn gooey fluid
To ooze out of my nose.
Black beaked, black feathered, black eyed crows
Laughed, ”caw, caw,”
Poking fun of the purple swim bag
On my yellow jacketed back.
“No food falls out of that bag,”
They cawed and laughed.
“Silly man rolls down the street
“Silly man rolls down the street
Without singing his song.
That is so wrong
This early in the morning.”
The morning crows followed me
All the way to the university.
They flew over me and discussed my form
While I swam, floated and flew
Through the water.
“He’s pretty in the water
With his golden brown featherless skin
And featherless wings.”
Black beaked, black feathered, black eyed crows cawed.
“Hey you! Down there!
Sing your song to the water spirit.
Sing it loud, so we can hear.
Sing it loud, so we can hear.
Sing of your flight through the water
Sing of your rolling down the road
Bless us with your song
Before the morning is long gone.